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Waddington Bay

Capt. Eric

After a very pleasant stay in Sullivan Bay we opted to continue our slow exploration of the Broughton Islands. Already, after weeks in total wilderness with no or little human presence, the Islands feel much more civilized. We see boats regularly, hear VHF traffic often, and almost every nice bay I study on the chart to go and anchor inevitably has a fish farm in it.

Long gone are the times when we saw nor heard any boat, plane or radio traffic for 4 full days.

Luckily we're in close of season, so there is significantly less cruising going on. We opted to try a very popular place, Waddington Bay. It's in the middle of small rocky wooded islands, typical of the Broughtons and often used in photographs to show the beauty of this region.

A large open bay with tall mountains in the background

It was certainly as beautiful as the guides had foretold.

The bay is wide, shallow and well protected with clear transparent waters that reflect the green trees all around. In the East, the view extends to tall snowy mountains.

Clear waters make for stunning colors

The entrance to the bay is peppered with rocks and tiny islands, some with just a few trees, and make ideal spots to take Princess ashore away from bears.

We saw no bear unfortunately, otherwise I'd taken great pleasure in naming it "Waddington Bear". Wonder if they'd like toasted marmalade sandwiches?

On our way to new shore adventures

To top things off we had beautiful sunny weather so we alternated shore visits with lazing on the boat, though we also took the occasion to dry the boat out as much as possible.

We've been in cold humid climates for a long time now, so it's a pleasure to be able to open the boat up fully and let the warm dry air do its thing.

Princess dug herself a new home

This is the type of anchorage where you can spend as little or as much time as you want, safe and tranquil.

We decided 2 nights would be just right, since we still want to make southerly progress.

A very relaxing anchorage

We'll stop by Port Neville as our next stop. It's an easy day if the currents help us and I suspect we'll be able to dock at the public dock there now that most cruisers are South of us.

So many places to explore by dinghy

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