Going back to the boat I was able to get a nice upgrade to Business Class, giving me plenty of space away from other passengers. In these days of highly transmissible Covid variants, traveling as an immune compromised person isn't easy, and every little bit helps.
As usual I wore my full gear, FFP2 (N95 equivalent) mask and medical grade goggles. This is the protocol we agreed with my Doctor, and I am very careful to not remove the mask except for very short periods to quickly eat or have a drink. Thankfully the flight crew understood my problem and very kindly provided my food once the other passengers in the cabin were done eating and had put their masks back on.
So far I'm either lucky or this protocol works. I've had to go back and forth a few times, going through very crowded airports and -fingers crossed- I remain a Covid virgin.

Little Princess was ecstatic to see me. Di tells me that Princess would pull her to the last spot she'd seen me get into the taxi at the beginning of the trip. Surely if I had disappeared from this spot, I'd also reappear there eventually? Well, she was right: The taxi dropped me off at the very same spot, and Princess was there, pulling and jumping to get to me.
Dogs are just so beautiful in their loyalty.

I found Portland in the midst of the upcoming winter with the normal cold rain and dark skies. We spruced up the boat a little bit with a couple Christmas decorations. It's not much but the warm wood color and the decorations made it very homely.

My Doc says I need to live my life. So it's under medical advice that I enjoy every days' little moments, every ray of sunshine, walk with Di and Princess. I'll prepare the boat (not much to do since we're always cruise ready) and we'll go for a Christmas and Anniversary cruise.

Mount Hood in the distance. We don't get to see the mountain all that often, but when we do it's rather spectacular.

When the sun shines through it makes for beautiful light.

And, being home comes with our Enfin traditions: Sunday waffles in the cockpit. I tend to call the enclosed cockpit either the "porch" or the "sun room". The same way if I pull out my electric piano to play in the pilothouse, we suddenly have a "music room". My cabin my become the cinema room, and the salon might become the gym when Di does her yoga.

It's so good to be home. Now to go play and cruise. We're thinking a simple run down river would be just perfect. Once we provision and get in gear, we'll head down.