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  • Capt. Eric


Both the CDC and the French medial authorities have approved the use of a 3rd dose for immune-compromised people.

Got my 3rd dose

I contacted my Doctor and she promptly confirmed that I should indeed get the 3rd dose. Basically for people like me with a weak immune system following blood cancer, vaccination only works so far. Getting a 3rd dose to reinforce the effects brings us closer to being vaccinated like everyone else, although that is still under medical study by blood cancer specialists.

A recent study pre-paper written by Docs from my treating hospital, CLB in Lyon, confirms the benefits of a 3rd dose. Sadly out of the cohort of blood cancer patients being studied a couple died from Covid despite being vaccinated. Out of almost 1,500 people it's not a terrible result, as sad as it is, yet it confirms we are still at some minimal risk despite being vaccinated. That's a lot better than unvaccinated blood cancer patients where the similar earlier studies showed 40% mortality with Covid.

Basically the Docs' advice is: Get vaccinated, including a 3rd dose. But behave and interact with people as if you weren't. Give time to your immune system to rebuild itself.

So in view of all this I had my 3rd dose shot today. I was very pleased that this shot got my body to react fairly strongly. At first with a weak fever, and during the night with a much higher fever that had me shivering. A quick "Tylenol" got me back in check, and I joked with Di how easy the vaccine side effects are compared to high intensity cancer chemotherapy. Or I guess Covid severe pneumonia. As a diver, surfer and overall "water maniac" I've had a few brushes with drowning, not having enough air when being washed under a big roller, and more. I can only imagine what living that for weeks with insufficient oxygen could feel like. Not something I ever want to find out.

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