We left as early as we could on a gloriously bright morning and made our way towards the Port of Kennewick.
Within a short time we arrived at McNary Lock, and luckily again we didn't have to wait too long to be shown a "green light" confirming we could proceed into the lock.

Once again the scenery changed after going through the lock and this time we entered a Canyon Land of sorts, the river having dug a deep canyon into the rock face on both sides.

Leaving Canyon Lands behind we found ourselves in flatter scenery, mostly gold colored dried out grass, but once in a while we'd come across a winery with deep lush green vegetation protected from the wind by tall trees. These oasis of green made a startling contrast to the blue and gold colors of the river, sky and hills.
Traffic was very light with only a few small fishing boats to contend with and a couple larger barges. Overall, quite a change from the start of the trip.

As we arrived the tri-cities area we passed under a number of bridges and for the first time for us even had to request a railway bridge be opened for our passage. With a closed vertical clearance of only 15 feet there was no way we'd fit Enfin underneath, so we VHF channel 13 the bridge operator who promptly opened the bridge to a safe height of 60 feet.
I know this is common in many places of the world, but this was a new experience for us, and it was fun to see such a large piece of equipment being raised just for little Enfin.

One more fixed bridge to go and we veered into the Port of Kennewick Marina.
We found a nice guest dock with power, WiFi and water for a very reasonable price so decided to stay a couple of nights to recover from the longer trip we did today.

That will surely please poor Princess. She's still uncertain about this whole boat moving thing, so since we had a long day ahead of us, we decided we'd gently drug her this morning with some dog-sized Benadryl. That calmed her down a lot, and she was a happy girl for most of the trip.

Once arrived and safely docked, we went for a very long walk to explore the neighborhood and let Princess recover and enjoy our new surroundings. She jumped into the water like she's always keen to, and promptly forgot all about her long passage to Port of Kennewick.
The walk finished by sitting down at a restaurant's terrace for a well deserved couple of burgers.
Rest for the whole crew before we depart for the Snake River and further adventures.